Hamsters in the apartment – maintenance, care

Proper care for hamsters in a Moscow apartment includes, at a minimum, three key aspects: setting up a cage for the animal and its diet. It’s probably unnecessary to mention that hamsters are solitary animals. Owners are usually warned at the time of purchase that same-sex hamsters will constantly fight to the death, and opposite-sex hamsters will breed endlessly, just like rabbits. Both situations significantly affect the hamsters’ health, so it’s best to keep them separately.

A hamster’s cage should be a confined space, at least 50 x 30 cm in size. It must include a water bottle with clean water, two bowls—one for dry food and one for fresh food, a mineral stone, hay, paper towels (which the hamster can use to build a nest), sawdust and wood pellets, and a running wheel with a solid surface (to avoid injuring its paws).

A hamster’s diet consists of special grain mixtures sold in pet stores, fresh greens (clover, dandelion, plantain, dill), baby cereals and mixtures, egg protein, fruits and vegetables (excluding citrus, exotic fruits, potatoes, cabbage, onions, and garlic). In small amounts, you can give the hamster boiled chicken meat, nuts, and seeds. Almonds are strictly prohibited!

To avoid catching a cold, hamsters should not be bathed. It is also not recommended to take them outside, as they may catch a variety of infections. Hamster diseases typically progress very quickly, so at the slightest sign of illness, it is essential to consult a veterinary clinic immediately.

Hamster Treatment
Currently, 24-hour veterinary services are available, which allows for prompt treatment of any health issues in a hamster. Some issues can be addressed at home, such as if a hamster breaks a leg—removing the running and climbing elements from its cage is usually enough, as nature will do the rest. However, if a bone is visible with the fracture, treatment at a veterinary clinic is necessary under the close supervision of specialists.

You should monitor your hamster’s health daily. Warning signs that should alert the owner include general lethargy and sluggishness, loss of interest in food and play, abnormal movement, or any other behavior not typical of a hamster.

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