Fitness trainer tells how to get rid of slouching with the help of training

Exclusively for Sport-Express, fitness trainer Elena Sobol shared whether it’s possible to get rid of slouching through gym workouts.

“Slouching is not only an aesthetic problem but also a serious health risk. Many people underestimate how improper posture can affect the overall condition of the body. However, fitness can improve the situation,” noted the expert.

Elena emphasized that to combat slouching, it’s particularly important to develop the back and core muscles. The workouts should focus on exercises that strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining an upright posture. These can include various plank variations, rows, and stretching exercises.

The trainer also added that achieving visible results requires not only regular workouts but also paying attention to the technique of performing exercises.

“By doing everything correctly, you’ll not only improve your posture but also increase your overall tone, productivity, and reduce the risk of injuries,” said the expert.

Additionally, Sobol highlighted that throughout the day, it’s important to monitor your posture and take small breaks every hour of sitting to perform some simple stretching exercises. For example, stretching your arms upward and bending your back to relieve tension.

“Slouching can be a sign of more serious conditions, such as scoliosis or other spinal curvatures. Therefore, it’s essential to see a doctor so they can conduct the necessary tests. Based on the results, the doctor will create an individual treatment or posture correction program and decide whether specific gym exercises are safe or should be avoided,” concluded the specialist.

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